Gaps Between Our Education System and the Employability Quotient.

One of the biggest issues in developing countries is the increasing gaps between our Education System and the Employability Quotient. The entire Education System is primarily built on the foundation of Evaluation and Competition. This subjects the Children and Parents to undue pressure and the whole idea of Learning takes a back seat whereas getting scores in the Examination takes precedence. This need for change has never been more pressing and fortunately, the times are now changing!

The parents are becoming more aware and understand the importance of the overall child development, creativity, and problem-solving ability. The ability of individuals to connect education, training, and careers has become key to Employability. In spite of its growing importance, our ability to match education alternatives with career options is woefully underdeveloped.

Little Genius is a breakthrough step in this direction!

The world today needs an Education System that excites and stimulates children, providing them with the learning they need, enjoy, and deserve to fulfill their potential in a healthy and conducive environment. This means providing a curriculum of practical and vocational learning and not just theoretical study.

Our mission is to provide a hands-on, practical education that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math subjects in one discipline.

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